[A Page Of Me] 10 Questions (Part 1)

So I'm about to try something new in this new set of blog posts. A lot of my blog posts have been about module reviews and school stuff, which are like meh to some of y'all who are not from NUS. Hence, I've decided to enhance my blog posts a little by sharing with you some personal information about myself that you might not know but might be interested to find out.

Yes, I know it's just gonna be a simple blog post because my oldddddd little body can't keep writing so many detailed blog posts all the time. I gotta chillax a bit once in a while. But don't worry, some juicy blog posts will be coming up real soon.

And so I've got one of my friends to ask me a few questions straight off the bat about what they like to know about me and they will be written here. No lies, just straight up honesty. Hopefully you would get to know more about me from this. Here goes!

Question 1: What is one thing your ex could do better than any girl you met so far?
Answer: Hands down, it has to be playing the PS4. Asides from FIFA, there's no other girl that could play the PS4 better than my ex. In fact, she could play the PS4 better than some of my male friends. And yes, Zhangyao, I'm talking about you. :)
*p.s. I need to find people to play the PS4 with me :( I'm boreddddd.
#funfact: I've actually spent over $1000 for gaming through PS4 alone.

Question 2: Are there any girls you dated but regretted not committing into a relationship with them?
Answer: Nope, I do not. I date girls, usually with an open mind and by the first date, I would know whether or not I would want to date this person for the second time. If there was a girl that I really liked after the first date, I would go all out for her. So yeah, no regrets.

Question 3: Any girls you wish you did date but didn't get a chance to because of whatever reason?
Answer: Yes. This person appeared in my life back in JC, with a girl whose name starts with "M". I think, I've told a lot of people about this story. So what happened was that I was given a chance to go on a date with her right before prelims to watch a horror movie, but I declined because I wanted to study instead of going on a date. She eventually went with another schoolmate of mine to the movies and got together with him on that very same day. Damn was I heartbroken after that event. I kept hating on myself for making that stupid decision.
Hint: She is/was in NTU.

Question 4: If you were to turn back time, where and when will you turn back time to?
Answer: I think if there was only one point in time where I could turn back time to, it would be back to the time when I rejected the girl mentioned in question 3 for the movie. Maybe things would have been really different had I went out with her for that movie. But hey, had I chose to go to the movies instead of studying, who knows? I might not be in NUS today lel. I guess things do happen for a reason, eh.

Question 5: If there is one dream job you could do for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Answer: I know I've told people about my interest in becoming a chef, but it's not something that I could call a dream job. I love it as a passion or hobby, but not so much as a job. Although, with regards to this question, I'm torn between becoming a football player/manager or a full-time Youtuber. But I guess if I had to choose one, my dream job would be to become a football player/manager.

Question 6: Will you go back to your ex if you were given a chance?
Answer: I really don't know how many times I been asked this question already. And I guess my answer is consistent throughout, so for those who have asked me this question before, nothing has changed. I think out of my two exes, I would definitely be open to go back to one of them, and that person prolly knows who she is. In fact, I did open up to that possibility of getting back together right after we broke up. But that's probably in the distant future. Right now, we are both leading different lives and I think she is happy in her own life so... yup! I'm happy that she is happy and smiling and doing what she loves.

Question 7: What is one useless social media platform you used and wished you never did?
Answer: I actually created a blog specially for this, but I guess I could say it here. Definitely 100% and without a shadow of a doubt, SNAPCHAT. It is by far the worst thing I have ever had to use and to maintain something known as a streak is so damn irritating. I admit it used to be something fun at the start, but after a while, I really don't see a point in purposely taking a picture of the sky, or the floor and sending it to your friend all to maintain that streak that doesn't mean anything. I heard of some people always whining that their streaks are being broken and this and that, talking as if their friendship don't mean anything. Oh God, help save their souls.

Question 8: What is one gift which you gave that took the most effort?
Answer: Wow, this one I'm actually torn between two gifts which I gave to the same person. One was a scrapbook of photos and descriptions of them. This took me a month to make because of the fact that there were so many components in it that made it so much harder to complete. The other one was a series of "Open when..." letters which I wrote. I remember writing a total of 27 letters, each being 4-5 pages long. And I took nearly close to 2-3 months to complete. However, if I were to choose only one to answer this question, it had to be the "Open When..." letters. I nearly died tryna write those letters to 3am almost every night.
N.b. My handmade gifts look ugly 85% of the time, but know that if I care and love someone a lot, I'll make that gift as priceless as it can be. 

Question 9: Name one thing you hate to see in a person.
Answer: A person who doesn't live by his or her example. If he or she says something and does the opposite, I'm already walking through the "I hate this person" door. Can't stand such hypocrisy.

Question 10: If you were to choose between your secondary school clique and your university clique to go out with, who will you choose?
Answer: Damn, both are my closest friends at the moment and I would be truly damned if I offended anyone here. I feel like if I wanna choose a more brotherly outing and do those guy stuff, my secondary school clique will be the obvious choice. However, if I wanna choose an outing which I could express myself more, it would be my university clique. These two cliques are so important to me, but I wouldn't call my secondary school clique, a clique because we are as close as brothers and I know they have my back as much as I have theirs. So it's hard to choose and I won't choose between these two at the present moment.

So that is that. Ten questions given to me and I think I've answered them to the best of my ability. I hope you enjoyed this post and hey, if you have any questions for me to answer, you could comment down below or slide to one of my social media dms and ask me a question.

Lately, it seems like people have been telling me about the issues of commenting. I've already fixed this issue. All you gotta do is to select anonymous under the section of "Comment as" and type away your comment! Your identity will remain anonymous. Not to worry, if you're looking out for shadier and more juicier blog posts, they are already written and ready to be released in the coming months.

Lastly, a big thank you for helping my blog hit a total of 5000 views as of today. It has been about a year since starting my own blog and really doing it seriously. I love creating new contents monthly and I hope that you would continue to support my work as I only aim to give you the best and honest blogs. If you haven't subscribed yet, the subscribe button can be found at the top right hand corner of the blog page. I do believe that this series will be a big hit with your contribution so thank you all once again for supporting me. 💕

Bonus Question: In your life, you would have probably cried here and there. But when was the latest time you cried and why?
Answer: To be honest, I think it has been a really long time since I cried. I mean, not even getting bad results made me bawl my eyes out lol. So if I remembered correctly, the last time I cried was last year, when I was creating a special video for a certain someone. Now in this video, there was a part where that person was crying and that person meant a lot to me. So while I was creating and editing the video myself, I was crying just by looking at it. And I know that it sounds so stupid, crying over such a thing, but I felt hurt myself seeing that someone cry so yeahhhh... :(


  1. @qn 5 is that why you’re addicted to that football managing game on your phone LOL

    1. I always play as a football manager in my ps3/ps4 games but ya hahahah thats why im addicted to that :p

  2. I got qns!!!
    1. Who was your first crush?
    2. What is one show you watch that you dw others to know (must be a legit show ah)
    3. Do you miss yr ex? And if so, how much do you miss her/them?
    Good concept for blog :)) keep it up

  3. Whats your pick for the most well written song and who will you want to possibly be like in the Sg youtubers world and why?
    Also.. Whats your favourite dating place and why?

    Keep it up bro!

  4. You got anyone you like atm?

  5. Do you regret making any of your educational choices in life? Like going to that particular JC/Uni/Course etc

  6. I know you proposed to your previous ex in front of the Sg river. How did you proposed to your first ex? And can you top both proposals for your future partner? :o

  7. What was the main issue that led to the breakup between you and your ex?

  8. okay I promise last one :p
    Have you considered being in a relationship with Sarah?

  9. What is one thing you hate and love during your trip to Japan?

  10. So right, after all these things happen to you, like your ex cheating on you, how do you even maintain trusting people? Or like girls for that matter? Becuz personally, I've been in a similar situation as yours (but not as bad) but I already find it hard to trust other guys now. :/ hope to hear yr views on this.


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